We are now in the states and doing well. I want to finally get the rest of the pictures from Germany posted so that you can see some of what we got to enjoy in Germany and have an understanding of the differences between the US, Kenya and Germany. We enjoyed visiting an old church that can trace its roots back to the time of the Romans. It has been a church for over 800 years at least in the building. It is amazing and sad to see at the same time. The beauty and art, of and in, the building is amazing. It showed the reverence that God was held in at the time they built. The sad part is how it has stopped influencing the area around it and has become a beautiful attraction instead of a light house to reach out to a dieing world.
The second series of pictures is from an alpaca
We are doing fairly good as we are over the jet lag and getting into normality again. If you think of it, please keep Josh in your prayers as it seems to be hardest on him. He understands about the travel, but it is still hard on him as it seems that every new friend is pulled away from him after just getting to know them. Tanya and Christy have been returning to friends and have some very warm and special relationships with there friends blossoming. Last Sunday I watched Tanya get hugged by five really neat girls at the youth group here in Eliot Maine. It was neat to see the joy of the six of them at being together. God truly has blessed us all with wonderful friends and family, but it isn't a guarantee that life will be easy. :) We are encouraged to keep on keeping on to holding on to Him who lives and is alive forever more. We will continue to post as we get time and a camera. :) At least I have the software now and it is all in English. LOL